
Faster execution with least investment is key advantage
Epiroc offers a wide range of attachments to perform various functions in a machine with customised solutions

Most of our attachments are purpose-built
DOZCO range of customised attachments meets the rigorous demands of several industry-specific applications. Pankaj Kumar, Vice President, DOZCO (India) shares more on the market and product trends.

We have over 90 per cent market share in India
The importance is to get the maximum utility out of one's machine. Attachments expand the utility of machines such as excavators and backhoes.

Hydraulic attachments are the future of infra development
An excavator can be used in a versatile way and can be termed as carrier. A single carrier can do multiple jobs with various attachments such as breakers, cutters, crushers etc.

Material and earth movements are the major work content of all infrastructure developments and mining activities. Front-end loaders, backhoe loaders, dozers and application-centric equipment as options for the users to choose from to suit individual requirements.

We are committed to offer best-in-class equipment and services
As far as procurement of medium to big size mining equipment by key players in the mining industry is concerned, the trend is towards evaluation based on Total Cost of Ownership, Life Cycle Costing, bundling equipment with Full Maintenance Contracts and Guaranteed Parts Consumption contracts.

Imparting Versatility
Use of job-centric attachments converts conventional construction equipment into multipurpose machines, making them more productive, thereby ensuring better utilisation and job site economy. As rightly mentioned by industry veteran, Vipin Sondhi, Managing Director, JCB India Ltd, ?India is a country where jugaad is a way of life for providing engineered solutions for achieving desired objectives which are seemingly impossible many a time.

Compact Road Equipment Market to Grow
Developmental work in the North-East and far-flung rural areas will drive a robust growth of road building equipment, with a twist - the market for smaller-sized equipment to suit applications and delivery logistics requirements will be the gainer.